Calendar iconFeb 9, 2024

Lend Our Heroes a Helping Hand. Volunteer at Your Local VA

Lend Our Heroes a Helping Hand. Volunteer at Your Local VA

Reading time: 5 minutes

The VA has a noble charge – caring for every one of our nation’s Veterans. It’s an enormous task and to do it, they need caring volunteers. If you’ve got a place in your heart for our heroes, PureTalk has all you need to know about volunteering at your local VA!

Doctors talking with a U.S. Veteran.

VA Medical Centers offer lots of opportunities for adult volunteers

The VA has many programs that adults can volunteer for including:

  • becoming a Volunteer Transportation Network Driver,
  •  greeting Veterans at the main entrance as a Red Coat Ambassador,
  • or becoming part of the Compassionate Contact Corps by contacting socially isolated Veterans through phone calls.

Some volunteers work directly with patients, participating in recreational programs and other activities on the wards. Others assist the VA's professional staff or escort patients, serve coffee or simply provide companionship to veteran patients.

In VA hospitals, volunteers can provide administrative support, help with the Veterans History Project, or be a food court ambassador, or information desk worker.

Depending on the volunteer assignment you may need to go through at least a minimum background check. 

A U.S. Veteran smiling at his little girl.

There's also a lot of volunteer opportunities for student volunteers, too!

The VA Voluntary Service program through its student volunteer program offers excellent opportunities for: exploring health care career options; gaining experience in a health care environment; learning new skills; making new friends; and qualifying to be nominated for multiple college scholarships.

For information on the student volunteer program and to register to participate, visit the VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement here.

U.S. Veteran carrying his daughter.

Count me in for helping our heroes! Now, what do I do?

Start by visiting the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs page here. Then visit "Volunteer at a Facility" and provide the information requested. When you select your state, the site will give you locations to pick from. If there's one not too far from you, go for it! You'll feel good knowing you're giving back to our heroes.

I don't have a lot of free time, but I can make a monetary donation. Is that ok?

Heck yeah. You can donate at a facility here, or you can donate online here. As it says on the website, "Monetary donations are used to support inpatients, outpatients, homeless Veterans, caregivers of Veterans, and others being treated in VA facilities. Donors can support the general fund, allowing facilities to use donations wherever the greatest need is identified, or identify a specific program such as transportation services, special events, residential care units, or any of the other unique services VA offers."

If you're donating online, the minimum donation is $5. If you go to a facility to donate, there is no minimum.

U.S. soldier and his wife.

As a Veteran-owned company, PureTalk is a proud supporter of our military men and women and a dedicated partner of America's Warrior Partnership, a nonprofit working to put an end to Veteran suicide. For information about PureTalk's Veteran efforts, we invite to visit the following pages: Roundup for charity | PureTalk, $10 Million Military Debt Forgiveness | PureTalk, and PureTalk Military Discount | Exclusive 15% Off for Veterans and Active Duty.


Posted 5 months ago